Mapei Ultraplan Contract; Self-levelling, fast drying smoothing compound

Ultraplan Contract, especially suitable for the large building flooring site, is used in interiors for levelling and smoothing differences in thicknesses from 1 to 10 mm on new or existing substrates, preparing them to receive all kinds of flooring where high resistance to loads and traffic is required. Ultraplan Contract is especially suitable for areas subjected to castor chairs
Ultraplan Contract is a grey powder consisting of special cements with rapid setting and hydration, selected graded silica sand, resins and special admixtures, prepared according to a formula developed in the MAPEI Research Laboratories. Mixed with water Ultraplan Contract becomes a highly fluid and easily workable mortar, with perfect self-levelling capacity, and high adhesion to the substrate and ultra-rapid drying.
Ultraplan Contract can be applied with an automatic pressure pump at distances over 100 m. Ultraplan Contract can be spread in thicknesses up to 10 mm in a single application without shrinkage, cracking or
crazing, and develops very high compressive and flexural strength, as well as resistance to indentation and abrasion. Ultraplan Contract is ready to receive flooring after approximately after 3 hours in case of ceramic tiles and 24 hours in case of resilient and wood flooring. Ultraplan Contract has very low emissions of volatile organic compounds.
Flexo Concepts Limited we are experts in sale and application of Mapei Ultraplan Contractor. Contact us for purchase or application.